Monday, August 01, 2005

White Castle and the Car Wash
I got this idea in my head that my car needed to be washed. I only like to wash it at a "do it yourself" car wash, that way I can get all the spots that the machines miss. I could have driven 10 minutes away to where I know one was, but I wanted to be able to drive on the freeway so it could dry better. Yes I have OCD. I don't like the water spots on my car or trails where the water dries on the doors from the mirrors. I look in the phone book and there isn't one close. So I decide I'm going to go to White Castle and try there new french onion cheeseburger. I drive around there to find a self serve car wash but I didn't want to go too far in the ghetto. With no luck I just go to White Castle. What a dissapointment the burger was. No I'm not stoned or wasted either. I then go to another burb to hunt for a car wash. I'm driving through construction and on the internet on my phone and there is none around there either. With much disappointment, I just drive home with a nasty taste in my mouth and a dirty car. I guess I'll start disc 3 of Will and Grace.


Blogger GingerSnaps said...

well, if everyone didnt know you have OCD they do now!

are you gonna frickin bring those will and grace cds over like...this fuckin year!

*spits on his car*

4:52 AM  
Blogger GingerSnaps said...

btw, i have your first comment ever.!

4:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

BTW It was me who came up with you screen name.

1:47 AM  
Blogger GingerSnaps said...

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10:17 AM  
Blogger GingerSnaps said...

you need to write more than once you loser

8:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Quit fighting kids :) And I can relate to the car wash thing, the automatic ones never get all of my car clean, way frustrating!

8:54 AM  
Blogger GingerSnaps said...

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12:37 AM  

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